EC4™DAQ software provides all needed features in order to perform modern electrochemical research. It includes electrochemical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry and chrono-techniques to mention a few. Peripheral devices for control and measure of temperature, gas switch, gas flow, liquid flow, stirrers and rotating disk electrodes, are also supported. |
EC4™DAQ Software includes several features that are very helpful to improve the success of the electrochemical experiments:
- FFT diagnostics – minimize the noise at its sourceA potentiostat uses a feedback control system and is therefore sensitive to noise. Noise can be the result of a poorly connected setup or an external source. In order to minimize the noise at its source, Nordic Electrochemistry adds a FFT diagnostics of the measured signals. The online diagnostic can help to fast identify probable noise sources and to minimize them.
- Online measurement of the solution resistance. When applying the positive feedback compensation, the effective solution resistance, i.e. the difference between real solution resistance and the applied compensation, can be measured. The optimized compensation can thus be found while ensuring stability of the control.

Main Window

Setup Panel

FFT Panel |